McDonough Resaws
The name McDonough is synonymous with band resaws and headrigs for the lumber industry. McDonough has a complete line of resaw choices and options including Linebar Resaws, Center Split Resaws, Twins, Quad and Horizontal Resaws, as well as a complete line of high speed infeeds, computerized setworks and operator cabs to fit your product and production needs. From design, engineering, manufacturing and installation, the professionals at McDonough are the choice for all your resaw needs.

AutoMAXX Resaw
The McDonough AutoMAXX Resaw will revolutionize hardwood sawmilling once again. Available in both vertical linebar and horizontal resaw.
MAXX Infeed Resaw
Stop cutting air and increase the efficiency of your resaw system with the Maxx Infeed System - the fastest linebar feed system available exclusively from McDonough.

Modular Horizontal Resaw
The ideal Resaw for mills looking for a low cost Horizontal to increase grade, production and yield. Feed rates over 200 feet per minute. Perfect for sawing cants, slabs, or multiples.
A Series Horizontal
Our flagship Horizontal is the heaviest Horizontal on the market, ideal for those high production mills looking for slab recovery or cant operations.

Linebar Resaw
The first Linebar was designed and built by McDonough in the 1890s. Today, McDonough has made the Linebar the ideal Resaw to increase production, grade and yield.
Sterling 44" Horizontal
A durable and affordable Horizontal Resaw system for mills that want to take advantage of thin kerf technology without sacrificing feed rates.
54" Center Split
The machine that started it all way back in 1888.
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