Material Handling
McDonough + BID Canada moves what matters
McDonough Manufacturing supplies the forest products industry with precision engineered and built material handling equipment of all types, for all applications. From simple lumber transfer decks to our MAXX Resaws Infeed, THE fastest linebar feed system for all brands of resaw, McDonough can supply all of your material handling needs. Whether it's the installation of new McDonough line, used McDonough or any other brand, your first call should be to the engineering professionals at McDonough Manufacturing to insure your machinery produces at its maximum potential.

McDonough Material Handling

Chain Transfer Decks
Queue decks and transfers are the key to smooth flowing lumber and that is the key to maximum production. McDonough Queue Decks are much more than just a "transfer deck", they are engineered to each application to insure proper feeding and accurate scanning.

Turn key installation
Ensure that your investment performs at peak efficiency by employing the professionals at McDonough to complete the job. The team at McDonough Manufacturing take pride in engineering, designing, manufacturing and installing the world's finest lumber handling systems.

Roll cases
The first step to properly edged lumber requires the accurate pre-positioning of the board or flitch. McDonough designs and manufactures edger infeeds for all brands and types of edgers. Far too often material handling equipment is an afterthought, when the exact opposite is what is required for maximum efficiency and profit.

Cant Turners
Cant turners make it easy for the operator to rotate the cant, allowing the operator to easily view each face. This can increase your lines per minute signifcantly from a traditional punch style turner.

Custom Cabs
McDonough only engineers and builds the finest - period. That goes for operator cab or resaws!
BID Canada Ltd. Material Handling
Basic Industrial Design (BID) helps industry move what matters. Our expertise in the design and manufacturing of bulk material handling systems will help you manage bulk material safely, efficiently and responsibly. With nearly 50 years of niche experience, combined with our central location, we are leaders in the bulk material handling industry in eastern North America.

Cant turners make it easy for the operator to rotate the cant, allowing the operator to easily view each face. This can increase your lines per minute signifcantly from a traditional punch style turner.

Truck Dumpers
Cant turners make it easy for the operator to rotate the cant, allowing the operator to easily view each face. This can increase your lines per minute signifcantly from a traditional punch style turner.

Chute Work
Cant turners make it easy for the operator to rotate the cant, allowing the operator to easily view each face. This can increase your lines per minute signifcantly from a traditional punch style turner.

An efficiently flowing hopper or bin is crucial to the flow of bulk materials throughout your plant. It is one of the most important components of any bulk material handling system.

Safety Guarding is a vital component of bulk material handling systems. It ensures that employees are protected while working with equipment.